When you're looking for a product/service how do you find it?
When your buying advertising how much is your payback? (105% -110% - more)
How do you choose what type of advertising you use to find customers?
Keeping a customer is different than finding a new one, and the cost is different.
Do you know the real cost of advertising?** The bottom line.
What types of advertising do you use right now. ____ Paper ____ Radio ____ TV ____Bulletins ____Mailers ____ Phone Book ____Local Sports ____ Web Site ____Landing Page ____Word of Mouth ____Repeat Customers ____Billboard ____Bulletin Boards ____Tell a Friend ____Organic
** I'll give you a BIG Hint: If your getting no response from your current advertising program, the cost is more than paying for what you may think is a pricey form of advertising.
When you're watching a basketball game and a player is going for a layup, and the other team blocks the shot and rebounds the ball then throws it down the court scoring 2 points. The play is worst then it looks. The blue squad increased its score by two points, but it stopped the red team from scoring two points, so it was a 4 point swing. How does this work for my business? Well, you're spending money on various forms of advertising and not getting the return you want. (Because it's not attracting your customers) and your not spending that money where it would seek your customers, you lose twice.